BIONICLE Mask of Destiny
2002 - BIONICLE Comic 7: What Lurks Below

Mata Nui Comics

2002 - BIONICLE Comic 7: What Lurks Below

Adapted by Michael Larson. Edited by Jeff Douglas.

Far below the other Toa, Tahu had found himself in a fearsome situation. Hundreds of Bohrok had landed on the ground around him and were now rapidly closing in on him. Summoning the Mask of Levitation and his fire powers, he summoned enough hot air beneath him to raise him aloft.

But this won’t last long, Tahu thought. And without a way out, the Bohrok will get me eventually.

Summoning his powers, he slowly pushed himself further into the air. The door to the access tunnel was not too far away. Perhaps if he could reach it, he could find a way to open it.

As he was getting close, he heard a whirring noise, followed by dozens of clicks. He looked down.

The Bohrok beneath had lowered their headplates.

Uh-oh, Tahu thought.

Hundreds of Bohrok snapped their heads forward, flinging their treacherous krana right at him. Tahu twisted and turned in the air, but lost control of his flight and fell painfully to the ground. The Toa landed with such force that his golden Kanohi was knocked from his face and clattered to a halt some distance away. Tahu started for it, before stopping.

A lone Bohrok positioned itself between the Kanohi and him. Unlike most of the others, this one hadn’t yet flung its krana. But its headplate was still down.

Tahu started to sprint, but the Bohrok was faster. Hurling its krana straight at him, landing it squarely on his face. Tahu roared with rage and panic, even as he felt its effects taking control.

Even as his mind succumbed to the powers of the parasite and his emotions began to dull, one thought remained in his head. One thought held power, even as the rest gave way.

The others will laugh at me, he thought numbly. I have failed them as a leader. I was supposed to protect them… but I couldn’t even protect myself.

I have failed the Matoran. My legend will end in failure. I will be a tale of woe told in the Amaja circles.

Vakama will be ashamed. He foretold my coming, but could he foresee my defeat?

And Lewa will laugh at me…

Like a match to a pile of dry grass, a new strength blazed forth from the depths of Tahu, delivering a more powerful strength than he could have imagined. Reaching up, he tore the krana from his face, hurling it away. Snatching his golden Kanohi from the ground, he readjusted it on his face.

“Now,” Tahu snarled. “Let’s see how well you Bohrok fare… under pressure.”

✴        ✴        ✴

With no other options, the six Toa exchanged glances before each stepping into a different tunnel. As it turned out, Tahu’s tunnel didn’t lead very far. A dim glow illuminated a large silhouette looming at the end of the tunnel.

More Bohrok? he wondered.

By degrees, his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

No, something far mightier than any Bohrok could be.

He approached the motionless figure, staring upward at it and grasping its purpose.

“This island has suffered much at the hands of the Bohrok…” he murmured. “Its rivers frozen, its mountains crumbled, its jungles reduced to ruin…”

He stepped into the encroaching darkness. Through the tunnels, there was a mechanical whirring and the hissing of hydraulic pumps.

“But by all the power that is mine, I swear,” Tahu roared, emerging in a towering mechanical suit of armor. “Mata Nui shall be free!

✴        ✴        ✴

Far above, on a slope overlooking the Ta-Koro outskirts, the Matoran marched their exosuits forward in formation.

“Are the traps prepared?” Kapura glanced to his wingmen.

“The pits have been dug,” answered Zemya, on the left. “The rock falls await your signal.”

“But will it be enough to stop the Bohrok?” Azibo, on the right, asked.

There came a cracking noise from below them, in the basin far beneath. Kapura craned his neck over the edge to see a squad of Lehvak attempting to climb the steep incline. The words from Vakama’s sacred fire came back to him.


He shuddered and shook his head. Grasping his controls, he directed his Boxor to advance. The towering suit loomed over the edge.

“I don’t know, but Tahu relies on us to defend the village, and we will not disappoint him!” he declared. With a push, he plunged over the edge, racing directly for the Bohrok beneath. The others raced after him.

“For Ta-Koro!” Kapura cried. “For duty! For destiny!”

✴        ✴        ✴

Tahu was still admiring the protection and high-tech weaponry on his newfound mech suit when he suddenly realized he was not alone. A faint breeze brushed against him, chilling his organic parts.

Why do you trespass here?

That voice! Tahu thought, startled. I hear it in my mind…

“Who is there?” he demanded. “Show yourself!”

From the darkness, a large claw swiped at Tahu, making him grunt and stumble backward. Regaining his footing — no easy task in a large mechanical suit — he stood to see a large blue creature, with short arms ending in sharp claws, a large mouth filled with teeth, glowing eyes, and a long neck to snap the head forward. It looked like some strange mutation of an enormous Bohrok.

You are an obstacle, the voice again filled the Fire Toa’s mind. You do not belong. You will be removed.

Tahu raised the left arm of his suit, pointing a large rocket launcher at the hostile being and firing.

“Beware, monster… this ‘obstacle’ has a sting!”