BIONICLE Mask of Destiny
2003 - BIONICLE Comic 11: A Matter of Time

Mata Nui Comics

2003 - BIONICLE Comic 11: A Matter of Time

Adapted by Michael Larson. Edited by Jeff Douglas.

If one were to live on Mata Nui long enough, one was sure to learn which sights were common and which were not. Now, there was a sight that would make most inhabitants believe their eyes were deceiving them when they were not: Tahu Nuva, Toa of Fire, leading a swarm of Bohrok.

“Forward Tahnok, and the day will be ours!” Tahu shouted to the Tahnok legion marching in formation behind him. The sight would strike fear into the heart of most.

Possible explanations might include an alternate timeline, a vision, a dream, or an imaginary tale told around Matoran fires. But none of those were true this day; this was explained by something much simpler—something was very, very wrong on the island of Mata Nui. What could have possibly forced a Toa Nuva into an alliance with a Bohrok swarm? There are six answers, and one of those answers is the object they were running at: Nuhvok-Kal.

The black-and-silver Bohrok-Kal turned to face the onrushing horde. The sight might strike fear into the hearts of many, but unfortunately Nuhvok-Kal was not one.

“You lead the Tahnok against me, Tahu? You are bits of straw challenging a whirlwind…” The Nuhvok-Kal raised its gravity shield and triggered its power on the Tahnok. “A little less gravity, and the swarm ‘flies’ away. They will be safe—in orbit—until I need them.”

“No!” Tahu cried in defeat as the fire Bohrok helplessly float upward, until lost in the blue sky.

“A little more gravity, and you will be too heavy to interfere,” the Nuhvok-Kal snarled, unleashing its power upon Tahu. “We will find the Bahrag Queens you imprisoned, Tahu. Defy us at your peril.”

“Unnngh!” Tahu strained against the waves of gravitic energy. His arms shot to his sides, and his knees crashing into the ground, before sinking even lower. If this continued, his entire form would be fused to the hard stone of Po-Wahi.

If Tahu were not so furious, he would count himself lucky that Nuhvok-Kal was content to only humiliate him… again. It stalked off on its trail, leaving behind a powerless Toa of Fire. In time its power would wear off. But if Tahu was wise, he would take the message.

✴        ✴        ✴

Takua crouched low in the underbrush of the Le-Wahi jungle.

The Chronicler and many of the Matoran had largely steered clear of the Bohrok-Kal conflict, although this was not particularly by choice. Most of the Turaga had felt that since the Bohrok-Kal, unlike the Bohrok, were not directly threatening the villages or their inhabitants, the Matoran should remain safe while the Toa dealt directly with the new threat. Toa, Vakama argued, had to learn to fight even without their powers, and they were convinced that the Toa Nuva would manage to overcome.

But this assurance had not been enough for some, including Turaga Nokama, who now accompanied a party of Matoran into the Le-Wahi jungle. Several Boxors were thoroughly camouflaged amid the trees, and a handful of select Matoran from a few villages were present. They weren’t far from where Boxors had once liberated the whole tribe of Le-Matoran.

The strike had been days in the planning. Under the supervision of Turaga Nokama, Matoran scouts had realized the Bohrok-Kal frequently returned to this particular stretch of Le-Wahi for some unknown reason. It was unclear if they suspected the entrance to the Bahrag tunnels lay here, but if they did, they were wrong.

Moving such large Boxors and a squadron of Matoran into the area without being spotted was one challenge. Waiting hours for them to reappear was another. Some were beginning to doubt the wisdom of the plan when a soft crackle sounded up the path.

✴        ✴        ✴

As the Bohrok-Kal Kaita hurried down the path, an alarm sounded in the mind of the Krana Za-Kal. There was tension in the region ahead. If it were an ordinary krana, it might dismiss this as Rahi sensing a nearby predator. But no, that was not what it was picking up.

The Kaita form, which had only been adopted for its immense strength, diffused and the Tahnok-Kal, Nuhvok-Kal, and Pahrak-Kal appeared in its place. All three were silent for a moment. Nothing had stirred in the brush, so perhaps nothing had seen the Kaita or the Bohrok-Kal.

The Nuhvok-Kal moved off the path, swinging along a wide arc to the right even as the Pahrak-Kal did the same to the left. The Tahnok-Kal waited a few moments before continuing up the path. If these were Matoran — and the telepathic sensations it was picking on made that seem likely — then as Pahrak-Kal had discovered, it was not wise to let their guard down. But it was only villagers, and they would be no trouble at all.

A net sprang up around Tahnok-Kal’s feet, but the Bohrok-Kal snarled and burned through it easily with its electricity.

“Is that all you throw at us? A meager trap?” it growled.

A jet of plasma arced up from the brush, and several villagers shouted and ran onto the path. At the same time, a grove of trees rose into the air and came crashing down, revealing more villagers, who scrambled away. Now all three Bohrok-Kal advanced on their defenseless foes.


Hulking machines erupted out of cover, piloted by determined Matoran. Though the Bohrok-Kal had sensed the villagers, they had not picked up on the mech suits they now piloted. The arms of the machines snapped forward, pinning Nuhvok-Kal, snapping its headpiece off and exposing its krana-kal.

While the Matoran and Turaga fought to pin down the struggling Bohrok-Kal, the other two froze. Startled, Tahnok-Kal glanced at Pahrak-Kal, before hurrying in the opposite direction, away from the trappers. Pahrak-Kal darted into the brush and disappeared for a moment before reappearing with the six Nuva Symbols. Then it too rushed away.

As the krana-kal was extracted, the Bohrok-Kal stopped resisting. The victorious hunters leaned in — and then jumped back as the krana-kal spoke.

“You claim another krana-kal, but it makes no difference,” it snarled. “Take pride in your victory, for it will be your last.”

“On the contrary, it seems to be the latest in a string of them,” Turaga Nokama replied.

“The Bahrag have been found. The tunnel to their nest lies in Ta-Wahi. We only came here to retrieve the Nuva Symbols,” the krana-kal hissed. “The Bohrok-Kal will reconvene and free them within the day.”

“Why must you do this?” asked Takua. “The swarms have only wreaked havoc and destruction on our lands.”

“It was why we were created long ago, before Matoran came to this island,” the krana-kal replied. “The Bahrag formed us for the day they were unable to perform their duties. Six Bohrok, one from each swarm, gifted with powers far beyond those of their brothers. We were given special markings to distinguish them from the rest of the Bohrok and hidden in a special chamber far from the nests.”

Takua inhaled. “And when the Toa defeated the Bahrag… that awakened the Bohrok-Kal.”

“Find the Bahrag. Free the Bahrag. Unleash the swarms once more,” the krana-kal hissed. “Find them. They must be found.”

“They have been found.”

The trappers nearly jumped out of their armor. Up the path were the Lehvak-Kal, Gahlok-Kal, and Kohrok-Kal, as well as Pahrak-Kal who carried the six Nuva Symbols. Only the Tahnok-Kal was missing.

“The Matoran take such offense at our role,” continued the Lehvak-Kal, advancing. As the Bohrok-Kal stepped forward, the Matoran backed away from the downed Nuhvok-Kal. “Our responsibility to protect the Bahrag, just as the Toa protect the Matoran. But in collecting the Nuva Symbols from the Toa in the name of our duty, how did we do any less than the Toa when they collected the krana from the Bohrok?”

“We have made a life on this island,” Turaga Nokama declared. “We serve the will of the Great Spirit. The Bohrok only destroy.”

“The Matoran have their duties and the Bohrok have theirs.” The Bohrok-Kal sneered. “The Toa Nuva have their quest and we have ours. They received upgraded armor and powers—we did too. Are we really so different after all? Only while the Toa broke up their team to pursue their own interests, we have remained steadfast in our duty.”

A Bohrok Va scurried over, carrying another krana-kal to replace the one Turaga Nokama had taken. The fifth Bohrok-Kal stirred and rose beside the other four. With a single glance at each other, the five hurried off, ready to complete their mission.

✴        ✴        ✴

“There’s the Tahnok-Kal,” Onua said. “Do you remember the plan?”

“I made up the plan,” Pohatu replied. The two Toa were on the beach of Ga-Wahi, hanging close to the cover of the beach trees.

“Do you have the stone?”

Pohatu held up a perfectly spherical globe, and grinned wryly. “Polished so bright you could see your face in it…if that were worth seeing.”

Onua nodded, ignoring the jest. “Then I am going.”

He started out of cover.

“Hey, Onua…”

Onua turned.

“Be careful, alright?”

The Toa of Earth smiled. “Of course I will. You just kick one straight for a change my friend.”

He turned. “Tahnok-Kal!” he rumbled loudly. “You of the lightning bolts…I have seen little Hoto bugs more frightening than you!”

Tahnok-Kal’s eyes narrowed. “Go away, Toa of Earth. I have no wish to defeat you… again.

“Again?” Onua asked, in mock offense. “You did not defeat the Toa Nuva—we simply found your company so boring, we chose to take a nap.”

The Tahnok-Kal advanced on Onua. “Then perhaps I should return you to your slumber, Toa!” it growled, hurling streams of blue and white lightning at the Toa Nuva of Earth.

Now!” Pohatu shouted, punting the globe with his reenforced feet. The globe shot between Onua and the lightning of the Tahnok-Kal, reflecting it back toward the Bohrok-Kal’s.

“What!?” it cried in surprise, as the lightning struck the tree behind it. The tree split in half from the bolt and collapsed on Tahnok-Kal with a loud crash, knocking the headplate open.

Onua and Pohatu clanked fists. “Well done, my brother!” the Toa of Stone exclaimed.

“That will not hold it for long,” Onua replied. “Let’s retrieve its krana-kal.”

Pohatu moved over to the fallen form. “Let’s hope we don’t have to collect all of them again,” he remarked, pulling it from its cradle. “Getting this one was hard enough.”

“You are too late!” the krana-kal hissed, causing Pohatu to jump in surprise. “Already, the Bohrok-Kal have learned where the Bahrag are hidden. They will free Cahdok and Gahdok—and the swarms will live again!”

Pohatu and Onua exchanged glances, and the Toa of Stone shook his head. “Cahdok and Gahdok disappeared…and then an earthquake brought the nest down. They are gone for good, creature!”

“No, Toa,” the krana-kal reiterated, eerily calm. “They are waiting beneath the ground…waiting to be freed…and you are powerless to stop us.”

“Onua, Pohatu…I fear that…thing…may be right.”

The Toa looked up to see the Turaga Nokama of Ga-Koro approaching, bearing a krana-kal of her own.

“Turaga Nokama, what have you discovered?” Onua greeted.

The Turaga of Water shook her head. “Our Boxors surprised a Bohrok-Kal long enough to steal its krana-kal…and we learned much. These are an elite squad of Bohrok, with only one mission: freeing the Bahrag.” Nokama looked down to the writhing creature in her hand. “And I believe they have found what they seek—for the Bohrok swarms have left the Koro and are returning to their nests, as if obeying a command.”

“If Cahdok and Gahdok are freed,” Onua realized, “then the swarms are sure to return in force…And without our powers…”

“Onua, look!” Pohatu exclaimed. “Tahnok-Kal is gone! How?”

“The Bohrok Va,” Onua answered. “They are serving the Kal. It is the only answer. They do not rely on krana for communication and operation, unlike the Bohrok.” he turned back to the water elder. “Nokama, warn the Koro. Pohatu and I must find the others before it’s too late.”

✴        ✴        ✴

“They have already been here,” Kopaka said.

“We will have to follow, and hope we are in time,” Tahu answered.

“Has anyone else noticed that every time we go underground, something really bad happens?” the Toa Nuva of Air wondered aloud.

“Be wary,” Tahu announced, as the six entered the tunnel. “Remember, we do not have our elemental powers to rely on… And by the way, Lewa… yes, we have all noticed.”

✴        ✴        ✴

The six Bohrok-Kal rounded the tunnel corner and saw them.

The Bahrag were frozen, trapped in suspended animation. Bound by an unbreakable seal.

“At last,” the Gahlok-Kal grated. “The Bahrag will be free!”

✴        ✴        ✴

As the Toa descended the tunnel, they observed other caves of the Bohrok nest with which the heroes were familiar. Silently, the Toa Nuva descended into the chamber where they last saw Cahdok and Gahdok, the Queens of the Bohrok Swarms.

But where before there had stood Bahrag, now there was a new addition to the floor. “This hole is new…” Tahu observed. “The edges are still hot from plasma. Lewa, you are the best of us at moving silently…”

“I understand,” the Toa of Air replied, slipping in and activating his Miru Nuva. “I’ll scout ahead.”

“Take care, Lewa…” Gali whispered. “There could be anything down there.”

The Toa of Air descended fast through the hole, navigating quickly through the newly-formed tunnel. He moved cautiously, wary that the sides were coated in fresh Plasma. After what felt like an eternity, he arrived in the chamber below.

He didn’t know what he was expecting, but it wasn’t this.

“Oh my…” he breathed. “I don’t believe it”

The Exo-Toa suits were fighting the Bohrok-Kal.

Down below, each of the six Exo-Toa that he and his friends had used to corner the Bahrag were now in this lower chamber, but they were running on their own, off of some built-in autopilot. Now, they were standing relatively back to back, surrounded by the Kal.

They were losing.

“Although empty, these suits of armor still oppose us,” marveled Kohrok-Kal. “But they will fall before the power of sound!” A batter of concussive sonics blew apart its enemy Exo-Toa.

“Nor can they hope to fight the force of gravity,” added the deep-voiced Nuhvok-Kal. Its gravity shields brought the suit of armor flat to the ground before it crumpled into a heap.

“And the magnetic power of Gahlok-Kal means the end of the Exo-Toa!” it shouted, as its power barraged two suits together before ripping them into halves, and then fourths.

With all the Exo-Toa neutralized, the Bohrok-Kal approached an odd cube-shaped item hovering in a column of light in the center of the room. That must have been what the Exo-Toa were guarding! Lewa thought, before returning upward to retrieve the other Toa Nuva. Reconnaissance was over—it was time for action.

Below, the Bohrok-Kal continued forward. “Now we will fit the symbols of Nuva Power onto the cube…and Cahdok and Gahdok will be free once more!” Nuhvok-Kal cried, bringing Kopaka Nuva’s symbol forward.

Pahrak-Kal approached with Gali Nuva’s symbol. “The swarms wait in their nests for the call to rise again.”

“The time has come!” Kohrok-Kal announced. “Free the Bahrag!”