BIONICLE Mask of Destiny

The Annals of Icarax

Entry 9

Written by Jeff Douglas

The writings of Makuta Icarax:

Trinuma soon arrives at his destination, an island just off the shore of the southern continent. The location is slightly wooded and generally boring. He soon meets his contact, a native of the southern lands, from a small race known for its teleportation capacities.

“The weapons are less than impressive, but they’ll get the job done,” he greets him, removing the hefty cache of weapons from his weary back and laying them on the ground. “How do the Toa Nuva fair?”

“Well enough,” Botar grunts. “Come, let’s make this fast.”

I choose this moment to strike, since at any given moment Botar can teleport away with the weapons. I lash out with a telepathic strike, followed up by confusion and sleep.

The agents are unfazed.

I wince as I remember their mental barriers. Although the attacks have little effect, they do not go unnoticed. The operatives exchange glances.


My cover blown, I reach out with plant control to seize Trinuma while I unleash chain lightning on them. Both scream as the electricity rips through. Placing Botar in a stasis field, I level a blast of plasma at Trinuma who dodges it, but I follow up with a powerful punch. Unfortunately, he defends himself with one of his tools and I find myself hurled backward by his own strength. As I recover, I strengthen the grip of the plants on him.

I whirl to strike at Botar, but I am shocked to see he is gone. I whirl to see him reaching down for the cache of weapons and I realize what Botar is about to do. I shout, running and reaching for both him and the cache of weapons should he teleport away. I reach him in time, using magnetism to close the gap in the last minute.

✴        ✴        ✴

I look around and realize that I am in one of the islands in the remote south. Botar looks exhausted but triumphant. I look to the hand where he should have held the weapons cache only to see there is nothing there.

“Icarax,” Botar breathes. “The mighty Makuta. Beaten by teleportation.”

I explode and call forth the magnetic energies I just used. Botar’s eyes widen as his armor tightens. A small dent appears in his breastplate. His hand crumples and he shouts in pain. His leg compresses and he falls over, his legs lopsided. Desperate, he attempts to teleport away, but at that moment, my wrath climaxes and his Kanohi implodes. The rest of his body soon follows.

My eyes narrow and my lips curl at the disgusting sight. After taking in the spectacle for a moment, I teleport back to the prior wooded island, but Trinuma has disappeared along with the weapons, and further pursuit of him proves fruitless. When I return to Botar, I find that the body is gone too, also without a trace. If this phantom organization is anything, it’s thorough.

An unwelcome chill runs up my spine.