BIONICLE Mask of Destiny

The Annals of Icarax

Entry 7

Written by Jeff Douglas

The writings of Makuta Icarax:

The battle was everything I hoped for. Sure the Toa Nuva don’t stand a chance against me. But they do prove to be quite the challenge, I admit, especially considering they’ve never legitimately battled a Makuta before. And they learn quite fast.

Gali is the only one standing by the time I am finished, and even she looks like she could topple over if I only pushed. Still, I have to hand it to her. She somehow summons enough energy to muster a nova blast, risking the lives of her comrades in her single-minded determination to defeat me and obtain the Staff of Artakha.

A Makuta could do no better.

Although I am impressed, and while I wouldn’t mind seeing the kingdom restored and the ocean levels return to where they originally were, I’d prefer not to get too wet. Seeing no reason to waste any more time, I at once teleported to Mahri Nui…

…and somehow get drenched anyway.

The water does not seep into my airtight armor, but it still manages to thoroughly ruin my mood. I am not fond of swimming either, and staying within the underwater domain takes some getting used to. To make matters worse, I can sense a tingling as the waters of the Pit threaten to take me and my armor and turn us into something… alien. I don’t know how Teridax hopes to survive down here, but I have only a limited amount of time until even my existence as gas provides no protection.

Makuta must realize the same thing because he wastes little time in finding me. As I wait near Mahri Nui, I spot him approaching in the form of a powerful Maxilos robot—apparently that’s how he avoids exposure to the mutagen of the Pit. I shouldn’t be surprised at the Toa of Ice at his side.

I hand the Staff to him. His current robotic form betrays no emotion as he tests it in his grasp. Satisfied, he attaches it in a secure position on his back. I do not know the particulars of his designs for it, but knowing Makuta’s true purposes here, I guess that it is most likely an illusion. A little show for the entertainment of these Toa.

Teridax nods his approval at me, and, satisfied, I summon my energies to teleport back to the known universe.

And yet, as the world around me falls away, I notice a familiar hulking green and purple figure approaching, whirling and hurling his fiery chains to strike at Makuta. I cannot help but smile.

So that’s where Karzahni’s been all this time.