BIONICLE Mask of Destiny

The Annals of Icarax

Entry 3

Written by Jeff Douglas

The writings of Makuta Icarax:

Teridax was right.

I arrived on Xia to find the Kanohi Dragon and a Tahtorak embroiled in bitter combat, and their struggle has taken a heavy toll on Mutran’s old rock. As much as I would love to put both Rahi in their place, I exercise restraint.

Instead, I made my way to the largest of the southern ports. The weapons order I was also told to investigate originated from one of the middle-tier traders, someone nobody would much notice if a strange order were placed here, but large enough to acquire the hefty amount of goods.

The port hadn’t suffered too much fallout from the battle of the Rahi, but it had taken some hits. When I found the arms dealer, she was panicking at the damage her establishment had taken.

I seized the arms dealer by her back and lifted her into the air.

“I don’t travel to Xia often,” I began, “But I expect you, as any educated Vortixx, would know that I put on quite a show. Answer my questions and I will spare you the trouble of being at the center of it.”

I dropped the Vortixx and she whirled, aptly terrified. “Makuta Icarax!” she gasped before groveling.

A tight smile spread across my face. “The same. A few weeks ago, an order was placed for your,” I gestured around, “establishment. The group did not give you a name, but it was neither the Brotherhood nor the Dark Hunters. Nor was it any the island kingdoms.”

The trader interrupted. “No sir, we’ve never received—”

I stared into her eyes, my own blazing. No powers necessary.

“I mean,” the trader stuttered. “Now that you mention—”

“Describe the person who placed it.”

“Uh, he was tall, red and silver, had a Mask of Charism—”

I saw that the dealer’s description was generic enough to pass as anyone in this blasted universe, so I simply asked when he would return for the shipment and left. By the sounds of it, I would have plenty of time to finish my tasks before having to investigate this further. Leaving a means for the dealer to contact me should something arise, as well as a thorough warning as to what would happen if she crossed me, I set out to find the Staff.