BIONICLE Mask of Destiny

The Annals of Icarax

Entry 2

Written by Jeff Douglas

The writings of Makuta Icarax:

I may be destined to rule the Makuta, but for the time being, I bide my time. The time is coming when I will stand before the Convocation of the Makuta and determine who truly does rule the Brotherhood… But I have not gotten to where I am today without knowing when to strike.

As such, I did not object when he issued to me a list of preparations to pave the way for his “greatest victory.” I am not the only Makuta to have received such a list. Most of his other lieutenants have been deployed, readying for a war the likes of which the Brotherhood had never before seen. Even the past wars of the Brotherhood would seem like Matoran’s play compared to this. But I am charged with bringing to light an organization with the capacity to undermine the Brotherhood itself.

What organization possesses such power is beyond me. The Toa have been a joke for at least a thousand years. The Dark Hunters are already throwing everything they can at us and have suffered badly for it. If anything, it would have to be some additional contender for the game. But none is known to exist, and no Makuta has any idea what Teridax could mean by this. I suspect he says this simply so that we are prepared for the next stage in his Plan.

With the Mask of Shadows secure, my next task was to seek out the Staff of Artakha from wherever it may be hidden.

Reading is not something I tend to enjoy (unless it’s records of my own achievements), but it became necessary in my search. I hadn’t the wind’s whisper of a clue what the Staff of Artakha was, much less why Teridax needed it, but as I combed Destral’s libraries, I found records matching the description I had been given. Evidently, the Shadowed One had stolen a staff matching that description from Metru Nui. But he hadn’t held on to it long. The staff had traded hands, and ended up on Xia where it supposedly rested now. Conveniently, Xia is also the site of the weapons order Teridax asked me to investigate.

I travel there now.