BIONICLE Mask of Destiny

The Annals of Icarax

Entry 10

Written by Jeff Douglas

The writings of Makuta Icarax:

I do not dwell on the failure of my mission. It does not matter, anyway. I do things my way. If Teridax wants something done exactly as he pleases, he should do it himself.

I will travel soon to Metru Nui to complete my final task, but not right away. I’m rather frustrated and tired now, and even the prospect of challenging Takanuva doesn’t sound nearly so appealing as it did before. Teridax wants me to take one of his pets named Ahkmou and to initiate him into the Brotherhood of Makuta, but I can afford to linger in Destral for a few hours.

I stand in the throne room of Destral, alone. None of the Makuta are here. No, they are dealing with new developments: the discovery of the heart of the universe. Nor are its servants here: our forces are deployed elsewhere or otherwise forbidden from entering this room.

I step closer to the Kraahkan throne and brush its armrests. Teridax had once brought this very throne to Metru Nui during his time pretending to be the ruler of Metru Nui. Now it is again here, but the Kraahkan is no longer the mask of Teridax. Must his seat of power be as well?

The thought of sitting upon the throne crossed my mind… but I rejected it. I had one last task to carry out in Teridax’s name. After that, I will return here and give myself what I deserve.

I will go now. I will drop Shadow Leeches within the city and charge them with finding the Matoran - at least, unless more interesting quarry comes my way. But why the rush?

Unlike Teridax, whose life and triumph have hinged on minute calculations and the finest of margins, I have nothing but time. The Reign of Shadows will come and Teridax will be powerless to stop it.